Trailer Hire Blackwell
Are you in need of a local trailer hire company and are in or around the Blackwell area in Worcestershire, maybe to move that car that is on your drive that has no MOT or tax or the one that you have just purchased and you need to go pick it up, then you are in need of car trailer hire where here at Trailer Hire West Midlands who are based in Studley, Warwickshire, we have 2 car trailers amongst our collection, one which will carry vehicles up to 2050kgs and one that will carry vehicles up to 2700kgs and both car trailers are fitted with a winch so that if you have purchased a non running vehicle it will be easy for you to winch the vehicle on.
Both car trailers also have a tilt bed action for your convenience so there are no ramps involved and are easy to use. We also have a good selection of other trailers in stock that have many uses so if you are in or around the Blackwell area then Trailer Hire West Midlands would be the choice for you.